In my dream I’m with kin kin and about 4 other woman and we’re in a restaurant
In this restaurant I’m talking with them and they’re wanting some fun activities to do, I hear them and suggest a strip club with white bitches the kind who wear eyelashes then I become slightly embarrassed because the woman who is sitting down in front of me is a white woman with eyelashes she’s wearing and I’m essentially talking about her type to my sister, I still say the same and then she gets up, she is wearing a black shirt, then I go to the restroom or walk around and when I get back all them are captured I’m a side room and mesmerized by these crystals that are on the table and there’s a white woman in front who is peevish and has some control over them. So I smack the crystal to stop it from having any control over them and walk my friends out of the restaurant. It seems the restaurant owner, he was mesmerized or something, he didn’t help but he also didn’t hinder and in the parking lot, everyone is in Vans and I’m going over the situation with them. Also the guys in the cars in the parking lot are acting sporadic, they were mesmerized as well