In my dream me and myself are sitting with Dan fleyshman and he took me and myself to six flags with him and his wife and while I am there I see Jasmine and Khalyla coming out of another store across the street. Which he finds cool because I’m attracting more people. Dan buys my food at the restaurant which were sitting and eating at. In a scene I’m walking out of the building with me and myself and these others are following and some of them get stopped in the courtyard. As I’m about to hop in the car and myself gets in the driver seat ahead of me. Then the scene replays and these same people leave my line and get into other groups as I’m walking out the courtyard talking to other people. I get mad, me I’ve been in basic, I’ve been through training, I’ve gone to the military I’m pass that level and I walk out and the car that pulls up is a sky blue car; which a fine young Japanese girl steps out of and I get in the drivers seat. It’s a futuristic Porsche 911 and I drive me and myself around the city and in some instances I go inside the building into forbidden areas and these minions come from upstairs and start shouting blasters at my car. And my car has special functions to lift off, extra levers on the steering wheel to float, fly but it’s difficult to maneuver up a stair case and unfortunately I’m unable to do so and my vehicle is destroyed. I wake up and I’m on a floor with other people like Rappold from basic, whose legs are broken, Sosa, Adil and myself and I’m explaining how my legs have been broken, both of them at times and that it was debilitating but, people are seeming to ignore me and those facts. I know the pain I’ve been through it’s gotten me to everywhere I’m at. This girl has candy who appears after Adil comes up from downstairs, her candy is sour but I take a piece then this big guy shows up and I take a bag of her sour candy even though I know it’s bad for my teeth. But she looks helpless and that big guy is looming over her. The steering wheel in that Porsche was wide, it was hard for me to learn how to turn it at first.